Posts written by mic83

  1. .
    Ti cito: solo barbabianca era in grado di tenergli testa e (non di sconfiggerlo)

    Se rufy diventasse re proprio perché nessuno riesce a sconfiggerlo? Non necessariamente devi essere il più forte per non essere sconfitto, vedi doflamingo e questa saga.
    Il mio è solo un pensiero, nulla più.
    Ma visto che alla fine, nelle ultime saghe ne è uscito vincitore nonostante la manifesta inferiorità a livello di forza, non la vedo così strana come strategia per chiudere il manga, (sicuramente meglio di fargli avere un super power up)
  2. .
    tutti a sottolineare che non è al livello di un imperatore, ma in qualche pagina del manga c'è scritto che il re dei pirati è quello più abile in combattimento? potrebbe anche diventarlo perchè riesce a mettere dalla sua parte il 99% dei pirati del mondo di one piece, e fottesega se ci sono pirati più forti di lui nell 1vs1
  3. .
    CITAZIONE (melma @ 4/9/2016, 09:40)
    il biscotto per quanto possa essere duro con un coltello lo spezzi. si vede che non hai mai assaggiato questi:
    jpg alias mostaccioli calabresi duri

    ma poi alla fine non è che erano i biscotti in sè a proteggerlo, ma l'haki
  4. .
    Spoiler cap 837
    Cracker says he is Biscuit Knight. His sword is called Brezel, which is one of the best swords in the world.

    Nami suggests Luffy to run away since she thinks Cracker must be one of the top executives, but Luffy rejects and attacks him via Elephant Gun.

    Cracker protects himself via his shield and overwhelms Luffy.

    Nami is surprised that even the subordinate of Yonkou can overwhelm Luffy.

    Kidd, Apoo, Bege and Urouge also invaded Big Mom's territory, but all of them ran away.

    Actually Urouge defeated one of the sweet "4" commanders, but got defeated by Cracker.

    By Sandman AP
    Brulee tries to capture Nami, but Pound saves her. Nami attacks Brulee via Thunderbolt Tempo. Brulee escapes in the world of her mirror.

    Luffy attacks Cracker via Hawk Gatling, but Cracker defends himself via his shield.

    Luffy is surprised at his level of CoA.

    Cracker: If you think Sanji as one of your crewmate, leave him as he is. Sanji is a prince of a strong nation. His status is far superior to you. He will live here with his proud wife.
    I'm sure Sanji will tell you。”Go home you filthy low grade pirates!"

    Luffy gets enraged and attacks him via Kong Gun, which destroys Cracker's shield and blows him off.

    Luffy: Don't make fun of Sanji! Even if he is happy and doesn't wanna join us again, he won't tell us about it in such a way!

    una nuova spada tra le migliori al mondo.... zoro, dove sei?
  5. .
    CITAZIONE (EmmeKira @ 31/7/2016, 10:48) 
    Aggiungerei anche che con un esplosione diretta sul polso, haki dell' armatura o meno, ci sarebbe comunque il rischio di danneggiare il braccio per bene. E ricordo inoltre che Sanji non vuole solo "tornare libero e scappare via", lui vuole cucinarci con quelle mani, e non vuole ferirle neanche un minimo.

    non dimentichiamoci che Rayleigh riuscì a togliere il collare esplosivo a Kayme senza che lei si ferisse, non escluderei che anche rufy riesca a togliere le manette a sanji e lanciarle lontano prima che esplodano
  6. .
    SPOILER cap. 830

    On cover From The Decks of World, The 500 million man
    Vol.20 " Saboady Islands "

    Rayleigh is enjoying the gambling with
    Arakuremono(Rowdy Persons)

    Chapter title is "The guy I can bet on."
    Perhaps this is a coincidence, but the slogan of Film Gold is "We bet on this guy.

    Several hours ago, Jinbe tried persuading Fishman Pirates to admit him becoming the crewmate of Staraw Hats.

    Jinbe "I wanna get on board to Straw Hats' ship and devote my life to Luffy!"

    Surprisingly, Fishman Pirates were glad to agree with Jinbe.

    But Aladin is already married with Purarine (Half-fishman of Hammerhead shark), one of the family of Big Mom.
    According to Purarine, all people who told Big Mom that they wanted to quit working under Big Mom pirates has died.

    Surprisingly, Big Mom instantly agrees with Jinbe.

    Big Mom "We're pirates. We should live in the way we want.
    However, it means I'll lose one of the main forces named Jinbe. You too must lose something!! Bring a roulette here!!"

    On the roulette, there are words such as neck, arm, leg...

    Scene changes. Pedro was a pirate with Pekoms long before. They invaded Big Mom's territory to search for Poneglyph, but were defeated.

    Pedro was very surprised that Inuarashi and Nekomamushi showed Road Poneglyph to Luffy.
    They also showed it to Roger 26 years ago. It means they expect Luffy to be a guy who will need Road Poneglyph.

    Luffy and co arrives at Whole Cake Island. It seems someone is waiting on the seashore.

  7. .
    SPOILER 827

    Chapter title is Totland.

    Pekoms reports that he captuted Sunny. He tells someone to keep it a secret since he wants to surprise Big Mom that he has many sweets as a gift for her.

    Pudding is an owner of a coffee shop. She helps Straw Hats, who were about to be captured.

    Big Mom pirates are preparing for Tea Party. They've already noticed Straw Hats' landing.
  8. .
    ho letto tante ipotesi sulla forzatura dei vinsmoke nella storia, ma solo io ho ho visto un passaggio semplice? cioè, i vinsmoke sono andati a cercare sanji che faceva parte della ciurma di rufy, ma dopo la ricerca hanno pensato che il sanji che faceva parte della ciurma fosse duval quindi hanno abbandonato le ricerche da quel versante (non dimenticate che quello che doveva essere un disegno di sanji era in tutto e per tutto l'immagine di duval) in più, se non ricordo male, in tal caso qualcuno mi correggerà, duval stesso ammette che a causa di quella foto ha avuto problemi tanto da costringerlo a girare con la maschera. il giorno in cui hanno cambiato la foto e si sono resi conto che il sanji della ciurma era effettivamente il figlio/fratello che cercavano hanno dato ordine di cambiare la taglia in only alive ed in men che non si dica lo hanno trovato e "catturato" (se così si può dire) grazie all'imperatrice
  9. .
    CITAZIONE (Liutaio di Twin Peaks @ 20/5/2016, 19:20)
    perché mai Reiju avrà salvato la vita a Rufy? Che senso ha? C'è qualcosa sotto?

    magari semplicemente vuole bene al fratello minore e sa quanto rufy sia importante per lui
  10. .
    non è così scontato che vadano contro big mom, anzi, io vedo molto plausibile un accordo di non belligeranza tra rufy e big mom
  11. .
    e chi ci dice che nel tragitto a-->b-->c non ci sia più di un isola? come farebbero a sapere che raftel sia quella e non una delle isole successive? per quanto ne sappiamo i 4 PG potrebbero indicarci punti agli estremi del mondo il chè renderebbe di fatto improbabile trovare una sola isola su tutta la retta. non menzionando il fatto che se Oda ha scritto che ci vogliono i 4 PG rossi, significa che con tre non vai da nessuna parte.
  12. .
    un buon natale spoileroso a tutti

    Caesar is glad at the power of gas.The gas is called "Koro", a genocidal weapon.
    (I think Koro is based on the Japanese word "Korosu" which means "kill".)

    Chopper and Sanji beat up Caesar. Caesar says it's not him who is to blame since he didn't use the gas to Zou people." Sanji says this guy is the worst. Chopper tells Caesar to neutralize the poison with his ability.
  13. .
    cap 810 spoiler

    Detailed Summary
    - the minions rave in happiness “Wooaaaah!!!“
    - Nekomamushi “An acient type of the 'zou zou no mi [zou = elephant]'? That's some rare thing you have eaten there-nya.“
    - Jack “Considering that so many warriors are still around...“
    - while saying so, Jack fetches a strange weapon that looks like a sickle combined with a knife

    - Nekomamushi “'The dog and the others' were too nice, and to top that off, you managed to make them retreat...!! A number of warriors like this isn't enough for such a big country.“
    - Nekomamushi also carries a spear in his hand...around him, the lined up troup of cavaliers and all from the Heart Pirates
    - Nekomamushi “Hey Bepo!! You are still in my custody!! I don't mind you not joining the fight!!“
    - Bepo “Don't say that!! Dan'na!!“
    - the Heart Pirates pick up weapons “For... the home of our nakama!!“
    - Nekomamushi laughs, saying “That's some big talking...“
    - and the fight starts, enduring the whole night...Duke Inuarashi joins again
    ---Sicilian's flashback ends here---

    - Sicilian “Without any interruption day and night...the fight lasted for 5 days.“
    - the minks dominated the fight, but Jack was too strong, they just couldn't crush him
    - Jack, who ran out of devices, finally used the poison gas weapon on the 5th day
    - that's when the time of hellish torture began

    - Nekomamushi was cut off his left arm, while Inuarashi was cut off his left leg
    - but on the 6th day, when hearing of Doflamingo's defeat, Jack headed to Dressrosa straight away
    - the minks were grateful, because it indirectly ended the time of hellish torture as well
    - and on the 6th day, Chopper and the others arrived

    - “...! What's going on in this country!“
    - Sanji “Gas is abounding!! ...ugh“
    - Chopper “Those animals...are they defeated!?“
    - CC “Idiot, they are the 'mink tribe'!! Don't you know!?“
    - Sanji “However, let's go back into the forest firstly. Otherwise we'll be done by the gas, too!“
    - “ over them...!!“
    - “!?“
    - “You...aren't their nakamas, aren't you?“

    - Chopper “Huh!? A talking animal!?“
    - Sanji, CC “You're the same.“
    - CC “Looks like they're still breathing...“
    - Pedro “I'm Pedro...!! Please...lend us a helping hand!! Duke Inuarashi and Master Nekomamushi are...going to die without medical treatment...!! The world is waiting...!! Only those all means! We can't let them die...!!“

    ---chapter ends with a depiction of the crucified Duke Inuarashi and Nekomamushi, with the former being cut off his left leg and the letter being cut off his left arm---
    → what's left is the print of a drought claw hardly to beat for

  14. .
    cap 810 spoiler

  15. .
    spoiler 809

    - Chopper was done by CC's poison gas weapon
    - Brook notices Duke Inuarashi's spittle dropping down on him
    - Brook freaks out, while Wanda replies, he's a patron (and Duke Inuarashi loves how tasteful he looks)
    - for now it's just "touching", but Brook feels just uncomfortable with everything
    - the weapons profuced by CC were secretly sold by Doffy, and even arrived at Kaidou's
    - Luffy gets mad
    - Inuarashi notes that the strawhat fits Luffy very well
    - Inuarashi wants to tell a story from the past, when he notices a cat mink
    - it's Nekomamushi-dan'na
    - Inuarashi tells Luffy that he was the one who got the strawhat from Shanks, but at the same time, he falls asleep (*That's how it's stated. We can assume something else has happened, as Inuarashi's story was just interrupted. We should learn more later.)
    - he always sleeps from 6 p.m. on
    - as Inuarashi is the one ruling by day,he falls asleep when night comes...the time when Nekomanushi rules -> they aren't on good terms (they would even tend to kill each other)
    - they came to part their times from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m., when the sun is out for Inuarashi, and from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m., when the moon is out for Nekomamushi due to a terrible dispute
    - the minks of the fortress are active by day, so it's their time to sleep now as well (like Sicilian, among others); the minks in the forest are active by night
    - Sicilian remembers the fight
    - Jack and his men are destroying the town slowly but surely
    - the minks beg Jack to stop, but the latter doesn't listen to them
    - the musketeer garde steps in
    - Wanda and Carrot seem to belong with them, too
    - Wanda notes they are a strange sort of warriors, they have to be careful of the guys with black horns
    - the left hand of one of these guys turns into a wolf's claw, he attacks Wanda "Wolf Grip!"
    - just in that moment, this guy is cut by someone...the three musketeers around Sicilian emerge
    - the other musketeers shall escort the folk into the forest
    - Jack wonders who they are
    - Duke Inuarashi appears as well, saying this fight is meaningless as the person they're looking for isn't here anyway
    - Jack feels Inuarashi's strong aura, asking if the latter's the king of this country
    - Inuarashi throws his sword away, stating that if they really need to look for a samurai in this country, the minks won't stand in their way, begging Jack to stop the rampage
    - it's a country with deep history
    - Jack refuses and attacks him, Wanda wants him to run away
    - but Inuarashi stops Jack's trunk with his wounded arm
    - Jack's men are surprised, while he himself isn't fazed
    - it's revealed that Jack's head is worth 1 billion Berris
    - he states that if the samurai is here, he will stop his rampage; if the samurai isn't here, he'll consider it a sin
    - Inuarashi understands it's no use to reconcile, he picks up the sword
    - Jack admits he loves destruction, and Inuarashi prepares to fight
    - the fight goes on and on, until the sun sets (6 p.m.)
    - the minks hear a roar coming from the forest, it's Nekomamushi
    - a wounded Inuarashi recognizes Nekomamushi's awakening, ordering the garde to retreat
    - in response to the mink's surprise, he says that changing between day and night troup is actually effective due to the possibility to attack constantly
    - while Inuarashi states that Jack is just a man who's simply resistant against talking things out, the raging Nekomamushi rushes in from the forest
    - he won't let intruders escape now that it's night, sweeping away Jack's men and attacking the latter
    - he says Jack shall not believe to get out of here alive, then grabs Jack's trunk and throws him on the back (?)
    - the minks worry about their town, but Nekomamushi replies it's nothing they should worry about now
    - he states further that if a samurai ever happened to intrude that island, he would have eaten him alive
    - Jack turns back into his human form, but only half of his silhouette is visible
    - the minks boldly prepare to counterattack

    credits to FranzLome of APforums

    Chapter 809: Master Cat-Viper

    Chopper says the country was destroyed by Caesar's weapons. Duke Inuarashi sees Brook and starts drooling. Brooks notices and panics. Wanda tells the Duke that Brook is also one of their saviors. The Duke replies that he's a delicious-looking savior. Wanda says that it's not good for the Duke's health to have at Brook (and making a touching pun).

    He can do it later, but Brooks still protests.

    Robin briefly recaps how Caesar produces, Doflamingo sells, and Kaido receives the weapons. Luffy gets angry about Caesar.

    The Duke changes the topic from the loss to Luffy's hat. He says it looks good on him. The Duke begins to talk about the more distant past. Wanda reminds him about master Cat-Viper and how the Shanks had a hat like that. Luffy interrupts him and says that he got the hat from Shanks, but the Duke falls asleep suddenly before Luffy can finish.

    Wanda answers that it's already 6PM. Usopp complains that it's so early, "Is he a little kid?"

    Wanda explains that The Mokomo Dukedom has 2 rulers. The official ruler is Duke Inuarashi, however Master Cat-

    Viper, who protects the sacred Whale Forest shares the power. The Duke fell alseep suddenly because him and Master Cat-Viper don't get along at all, to that point that they want to kill each other if they meet faces. Wanda doesn't know why, but it seems they used to be best friends long ago. They are of equal strength. Because they don't want to see each other, one wakes up and goes to sleep with the sun from 6AM to 6PM. The other wakes up with the moon from 6PM to 6AM.

    The doctors fall asleep too. Wanda says they everyone in this fort is sleeping. Sicilion also feels sleepy. The day and night effects him too. The townsmink live in the day, the forestminks are active at night. It happened during the fight with Jack too. Sicilion recalls while he falls asleep.

    Back in the past, Jack is rampaging and destroying everything. The Minks are yelling at him to stop. The Musketeers arrive and and the townsmink receed to make way for them.

    The Muskteers order their team to minimize the damage as much as possible and seize the enemies weapons. wanda and Carrot also seem to be with the Musketeers. Wanda is kicking ass, remarking that the warriors are some strange unknown race. Someone says to watch out for the ones with black horns.

    Just then, one of the black horned men's hands turns into a wolf. "Wolf grip!" Wanda says "His hand turned into a wolf!" as the wolf is about to bite Wanda it gets cut. The black-horned man and the wolf both scream. The 3 Musketeers tell wanda to get back. Sicilion tells his subordinates to get the townsminks to the forest.

    Jacks asks who they are and the Duke himself arrives. The Duke arrives and tells Jack to stop. The person he is looking for is not in this land. It's meaningless. jack can sense the Duke's aura. Jack figures out the Duke is the leader.

    The minks' surprise, the Duke tosses aside his sword. The Duke says that Jack can look for teh samurai as much as he likes as long as he stops destroying everything. This is a place with history.

    Jack refuses.

    Jack attacks with his trunk. The minks scream for the Duke, but he stops Jack's trunk with one hand. The pirates are shocked by the Duke's power. But they proclaim that their boss is one of the most infamous pirates in the New World. His bounty is 1 billion Belli. Jack tells his men to shut up.

    The Duke asks Jack to give up his attack. Jack says he'll stop if the samurai is here. It will be a "crime" if they say he is not. The Duke picks up his sword realizing that Jack cannot be reasoned with. "He truly is a 'Disaster'." The eruption rain falls just as it turns to 6PM.

    The loud call of a cat echoes through the Whale Forest. It's the war cry of Master Cat-Viper. The Duke orders the Musketeers to retreat because the King of the Night has awakened. They will not fight alongside each other. If they switch roles between night and day, they Minks can fight without allowing the enemies to rest. A ferocious cat mink leaps out. He says, "This is my country while the moon is out. Don't let the intruders escape."

    The mink is "Guardian deity of the Whale Forest" Master Cat-Viper.

    Cat-Viper starts wrecking pirates. "Don't think you'll leave here alive!" The pirates are panicked. Cat-Viper grabs jack by the trunk and tosses him.

    "Jack"" "Master! The town!" "Don't mind it." He turn to Jack, "Listen here. You came here to look for a warrior from Wano? No samurai has stepped one foot on this island. If one does, I'll kill them. I AM CAT-VIPER, THE MAN WHO WAITS FOR THE WORLD'S DAWN!"

    Jack returns to human form. He's seen only in a half-body silhouette.
    "JACK!" -end of chapter
35 replies since 4/9/2014